Sitecore: Uninstalling Sitecore packages

Have you ever installed a Sitecore package? Doesn’t matter if a local one or a bigger one from Sitecore marketplace. I did as well and afterwards I realized that it not suits or had too much errors. It flooding my error log. No how to get rid of those? I searched for a uninstall button, but sadly there is no one. Sitecore CMS does not currently provide an automated way for removing packages installed using the Installation Wizard application.

Possibility 1:

You can only remove packages manually.
The installed packages can be removed manually in the following way:
1.     Extract the installation package to a folder on the file system. A Sitecore package is a standard ZIP archive.
Usually Sitecore packages contain a package.ZIP file in the original package. This file should also be extracted.
2.      Find the folders called /files and /items in the target location you used when extracting the package.
3.      In the /files folder, you can find the files that get installed with the package.
4.      Match the file paths from the /files folder with the same files in your Sitecore solution and delete or replace them with the original version.
5.      Note:
If the file was overwritten, its old version can be found at the following location:
For example:
In the extracted package, you have the \SitecoreSomeModule\package\files\bin\Sitecore.SomeModule.dll file.
In the Sitecore solution, navigate to the \Website\bin folder and remove the Sitecore.SomeModule.dll file.
6.      In the /items folder, you can find the items that are installed with the package.
7.      Match file paths from the /items folder with the same items in your Sitecore solution and update them.
Sitecore does not keep original versions of items when overwriting them

Possibility 2:

A bit weird but, to uninstall packages you need to install another package from Kiran.
You can find it here. After installing it you should be able to uninstall packages automatically.

Main features:
  • You can uninstall your installed package/module (Using original Package file)
  •  Install/Try as many modules you would like to from Sitecore MarketPlace OR from another Sitecore enthusiast!
  • View package details in a tabular format
  • For more information, I would must recommend you to read Package History V2 User Guide

Happy packaging.
