Work with sitecore queries

Sitecore queries are a powerful feature that allow you to retrieve data from the sitecore content tree in a structured and efficient way. Whether you're a developer or a content manager, learning how to work with sitecore queries can be an important skill to have in your toolkit. In this article, we'll explore some of the key concepts and practices of working with sitecore queries, and we'll provide examples and code samples to help you understand how to use queries in your own projects.

What are sitecore queries?

Sitecore queries are a way of retrieving data from the sitecore content tree using a structured syntax. Queries are written in sitecore query language (sql), which is a specialized language designed for querying sitecore content. Sitecore queries are used to retrieve items, fields, and other data from the content tree, and they can be used to filter and sort the results to meet specific needs.

How to write sitecore queries

to write a sitecore query, you'll need to use the sql syntax, which includes a range of keywords and operators that allow you to specify the data you want to retrieve. Here's a simple example of a sitecore query:

select * from /sitecore/content/home

this query retrieves all items in the "/sitecore/content/home" branch of the content tree. You can use other keywords and operators to specify the data you want to retrieve in more detail. For example, you can use the "where" keyword to filter the results based on specific criteria:

select * from /sitecore/content/home where template='sitecore. Templates. Article'

this query retrieves all items in the "/sitecore/content/home" branch that are based on the "sitecore. Templates. Article" template. You can also use the "and" and "or" operators to specify multiple criteria:

select * from /sitecore/content/home where template='sitecore. Templates. Article' and publish_date>'2022-01-01' or author='john doe'

this query retrieves all items in the "/sitecore/content/home" branch that are based on the "sitecore. Templates. Article" template, and were published after january 1, 2022, or were authored by "john doe".

How to use sitecore queries in code

once you've written a sitecore query, you can use it to retrieve data from the content tree in your code. Here's an example of how you might use a sitecore query in c#:

  using Sitecore.Data.Items;
  using Sitecore.Data.Fields;
  using Sitecore.Data.Managers;

  namespace MyNamespace
    public class MyClass
      public void MyMethod()
        Item homeItem = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("/sitecore/content/Home");
        Item[] articles = homeItem.Axes.SelectItems("child::*[@@template='Sitecore.Templates.Article']");
        foreach (Item article in articles)
          Field titleField = article.Fields["Title"];
          string title = titleField.Value;
